Thursday, January 13, 2011


Just left the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL.  What a fantastic place.  Had a free tour from a Vietnam Vet who flew in some of these planes and was in general very interesting to listen to.  44 young Marines were in our group.  I had a crazy thought that I was old enough to be their Mother.  ECK.  The new year resolution finally kicked in know which one I am talking about so I got my "princess" butt out of bed and worked out than went for a nice sweaty walk with the dogs and Bobe.  I did the P90X Ab workout!  Rough but I felt good after...good I could do it (mostly).  Yesterday Terry and I went to tour the Alabama in Mobile Bay you know the battleship and also toured the USS Drum, a submarine, very interesting.  Both are self guided tours so it was fun to just climb all over everywhere although it was freezing in that big boat. ( I know you are thinking how cold can it be DOWN THERE but it was really cold here yesterday and 28 this morning when we got up.)  Pics of ships and subs later and planes later.

Today is the first day I went out without my long underwear on.  To some of you that may be TMI. But for those who have known me since childhood, I NEVER take them off until at least April.

Hope all of you are doing good.  Oh yeah for those of you who are horse lovers, I passed my Parelli Level 2 on-line and Freestyle!!!!  It has been a very long journey to this point and I can't express my excitment at the accomplishment.


1 comment:

  1. HI NJ and Terry,
    Congrats on the Parelli!!! Persistance pays..good for you hon!
    it is sooo cold here today...Elise is buried in a snow drift by the skating rink..I'll send you pics...
