Saturday, February 19, 2011


Howdy everyone!  Sorry I have been kind of lax in the blogging department.  I'm afraid we are getting boring and nothing exciting has happened lately so I will have to start making stuff up to keep you interested.
I am getting this strange light skin patch under my watch and wedding band and it won't wash off in the shower, must be some kind of arizona skin disease.
Totally unprepared Terry came to the desert with a BLACK cowboy hat and said his brain was starting to get fried from the sun so we had to go see the neighborhood HAT lady, Lois.  She has  a hat business in her backyard shed called "The Big Hat Society".  Isn't it a great community that sports a hat lady?  We made an appointment, walked over and picked out a great palm leaf hat which she took into the house, dunked it in her kitchen sink then proceded to shape it for him however he wanted it.  Awesome service for $30.00.  So now he looks cool in his big palm leaf hat and his head is happier too!
Yesterday we went to the movies and saw "Unknown"  great movie for Liam Neeson fans.  It's a real nail-biter kind of movie.  If you can make it to the first show here it costs $5 bucks.

Mary Jean attacked a wild havalina yesterday and we had free pork chops for supper!

Two days ago, Terry went to Phoenix golfing with an old cronie from the RR.  I stayed home, went to Yoga with my neighbor lady, cleaned the house then went riding by myself on Lady.  She was awful even though I played with her for a long time before we left.  She was starting to settle down then we saw a guy on a horse and she went nuts again.  Made it home okay and baked a cake in the convection oven.  It turned out great and I'm going to try baking bread in there next.

Tomorrow we leave for Oatman to see Lowell and the donkeys.  Don't get those two things confused.
Also, we pick up Kim in the morning on the way to Oatman.  Can't wait to show her this winter paradise.

Okay, so one of these paragraphs is not exactly true.  Which one is it?